Mastering Polars: Casting Multiple Columns to Categorical with Ease
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Mastering Polars: Casting Multiple Columns to Categorical with Ease

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Are you tired of struggling with data manipulation in Python? Do you find yourself stuck when trying to cast multiple columns to categorical variables in Polars? Worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of casting multiple columns to categorical variables in Polars, making you a master of data manipulation in no time.

What are Categorical Variables?

Before we dive into the juicy stuff, let’s take a step back and understand what categorical variables are. Categorical variables, also known as nominal or categorical data, are variables that contain values with no inherent order or numerical value. Think of them as labels or categories that help us group and analyze data.

Examples of categorical variables include:

  • Gender (Male/Female)
  • Country of origin (USA, UK, Canada, etc.)
  • Product categories (Electronics, Clothing, Home Goods, etc.)

Why Cast Multiple Columns to Categorical?

So, why do we need to cast multiple columns to categorical variables? Well, there are several reasons:

  1. Data Analysis**: Categorical variables are essential for data analysis, as they enable us to group and compare data based on specific characteristics.
  2. Data Visualization**: Categorical variables make it easier to create informative and visually appealing visualizations, such as bar charts and scatter plots.
  3. Machine Learning**: Categorical variables are used as input features in machine learning models, allowing us to build more accurate and effective models.

Preparing Your Data for Casting

Before we cast multiple columns to categorical variables, let’s make sure our data is ready for the process. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Import Polars**: Make sure you have Polars installed and imported in your Python environment. You can do this by running pip install polars and then importing it with import polars as pl.
  • Load Your Data**: Load your dataset into a Polars DataFrame using the pl.read_csv() or pl.read_excel() function, depending on your file type.
  • View Your Data**: Use the df.head() function to view the first few rows of your dataset and get an idea of what you’re working with.

Casting Multiple Columns to Categorical

Now that our data is ready, let’s cast multiple columns to categorical variables using Polars. We’ll use the df.with_columns() method to create new categorical columns.

import polars as pl

# Load your data
df = pl.read_csv('your_data.csv')

# Cast multiple columns to categorical
df = df.with_columns([
  # Add more columns as needed

In this example, we’re casting three columns (column1, column2, and column3) to categorical variables using the pl.col() function and the cast() method. You can add or remove columns as needed.

Verifying Your Results

After casting multiple columns to categorical variables, let’s verify our results using the df.dtypes function.


This will display the data types of each column in your dataset. You should see that the columns you cast to categorical variables now have a data type of pl.Categorical.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to keep in mind when casting multiple columns to categorical variables:

  • Handling Missing Values**: If your dataset contains missing values, you can use the fill_null() function to replace them with a specific value or impute them using a strategy like mean or median.
  • Categorical Orders**: If you need to specify an order for your categorical variables, you can use the cat_order() function to set the order of the categories.
  • Custom Categorical Types**: If you need to create custom categorical types, you can use the pl.Categorical() function with a custom list of categories.


And there you have it! You’ve successfully cast multiple columns to categorical variables using Polars. With this newfound skill, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of your data and create more accurate and effective machine learning models.

Remember to practice and experiment with different datasets and scenarios to become a Polars master. Happy coding!

Column Name Data Type
column1 pl.Categorical
column2 pl.Categorical
column3 pl.Categorical

This article is marked as a duplicate of this Stack Overflow question. For more information and resources on Polars, visit the official Polars website.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mysteries of Polars and categorical columns!

What is the purpose of casting multiple columns to categorical in Polars?

Casting multiple columns to categorical in Polars allows you to treat multiple columns as a single categorical column, making it easier to perform groupby operations, compute unique values, and even speed up your data processing workflow! It’s like creating a superhero for your data analysis, where each column is a special power that combines to create an unstoppable force!

How do I cast multiple columns to categorical in Polars?

Easy peasy! You can use the `pl.hstack` method to concatenate multiple columns into a single categorical column. For example, `[“column1”, “column2”, “column3”]).alias(“categorical_column”))`. Voilà! You’ve got yourself a shiny new categorical column ready for action!

Can I cast non-string columns to categorical in Polars?

Yes, you can! Polars allows you to cast columns with numeric or boolean data types to categorical. This is especially useful when you want to treat certain numeric values as categories, like turning a column of integers into a categorical column representing different labels.

How does casting multiple columns to categorical affect my data processing performance?

Casting multiple columns to categorical can significantly improve your data processing performance! By reducing the number of columns, you can speed up operations like groupby, filter, and sort. Plus, Polars uses a compact binary representation for categorical columns, which can lead to substantial memory savings. It’s like a turbo boost for your data processing engine!

What are some common use cases for casting multiple columns to categorical in Polars?

Some common use cases include creating a single categorical column for multiple features in machine learning models, grouping data by multiple categorical variables, and even performing data validation and cleaning by treating multiple columns as a single categorical entity. The possibilities are endless, and it’s up to you to unleash the power of Polars!