Loophole Alert: Why Your Custom Domain Stops Working Regularly and How to Fix It
Image by Garner - hkhazo.biz.id

Loophole Alert: Why Your Custom Domain Stops Working Regularly and How to Fix It

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Are you frustrated with your custom domain stopping working regularly? Do you feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of troubleshooting and hair-pulling? Well, fear not, dear reader! Today, we’re going to dive into the mysterious world of custom domains and uncover the loopholes that might be causing your website to malfunction.

The Anatomy of a Custom Domain

To understand why your custom domain stops working regularly, it’s essential to understand how it works in the first place. A custom domain is a unique web address that you’ve registered with a domain registrar, such as GoDaddy or Namecheap. When you set up a custom domain, you’re essentially telling the internet that your website can be accessed through a specific URL, like www.yourwebsite.com.

    <th>Domain Registrar</th>
    <th>DNS Provider</th>
    <th>Website Platform</th>
    <td>GoDaddy DNS</td>

The DNS Dance: How It Affects Your Custom Domain

When you set up a custom domain, you’re also setting up a DNS (Domain Name System) record. DNS is like a phonebook for the internet, translating your domain name into an IP address that computers can understand. Think of it like this:

  1. Someone types your domain name into their browser (www.yourwebsite.com).
  2. The DNS system looks up the IP address associated with your domain name.
  3. The DNS system directs the visitor to your website’s IP address.

Here’s where things can get messy. If your DNS records are not set up correctly, your custom domain can stop working regularly. This might happen if:

  • You’ve changed your DNS provider (e.g., from GoDaddy to Cloudflare).
  • You’ve updated your website platform (e.g., from WordPress to Shopify).
  • You’ve added new subdomains or subdirectories to your website.

Common Loopholes That Cause Your Custom Domain to Stop Working

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the common loopholes that might be causing your custom domain to stop working regularly:

Loophole #1: Incorrect DNS Records

One of the most common reasons for a custom domain to stop working is incorrect DNS records. If your DNS records are not set up correctly, your website won’t be accessible. To fix this, you’ll need to:

  1. Check your DNS provider’s documentation for setting up DNS records.
  2. Verify that your DNS records are correct and up-to-date.
  3. Update your DNS records to reflect any changes to your website platform or DNS provider.

Loophole #2: Expired DNS Records

Another common issue is expired DNS records. Most DNS records have a TTL (Time To Live) value, which determines how long the record is valid. If your DNS records expire, your custom domain can stop working. To fix this, you’ll need to:

  1. Check your DNS provider’s documentation for setting up DNS records.
  2. Verify that your DNS records are not expired.
  3. Update your DNS records to reflect any changes to your website platform or DNS provider.

Loophole #3: Inconsistent Domain Pointing

Inconsistent domain pointing can also cause your custom domain to stop working. This occurs when your domain is pointing to the wrong IP address or server. To fix this, you’ll need to:

  1. Check your domain registrar’s documentation for setting up domain pointing.
  2. Verify that your domain is pointing to the correct IP address or server.
  3. Update your domain pointing to reflect any changes to your website platform or server.

Fixing the Loopholes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve covered the common loopholes, let’s walk through a step-by-step guide to fixing them:

Step 1: Check Your DNS Records

dig +short yourwebsite.com

This command will show you the current DNS records for your domain. Take note of the IP address and TTL value.

Step 2: Verify Your DNS Records

Compare the DNS records from Step 1 with the recommended DNS records from your DNS provider or website platform. Make sure they match.

Step 3: Update Your DNS Records

If your DNS records are incorrect or expired, update them to reflect the correct IP address and TTL value. You can do this through your DNS provider’s control panel or by contacting their support team.

Step 4: Verify Your Domain Pointing

Use a tool like dig or nslookup to verify that your domain is pointing to the correct IP address or server.

dig +short yourwebsite.com

This command will show you the current IP address associated with your domain. Compare this with the IP address of your website platform or server.

Step 5: Update Your Domain Pointing

If your domain is pointing to the wrong IP address or server, update it to reflect the correct information. You can do this through your domain registrar’s control panel or by contacting their support team.


There you have it, folks! With these steps, you should be able to identify and fix the loopholes causing your custom domain to stop working regularly. Remember to stay vigilant and regularly check your DNS records and domain pointing to ensure your website remains accessible.

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to a hassle-free custom domain experience. So, go ahead, take control of your website, and show those loopholes who’s boss!

Happy troubleshooting, and don’t forget to bookmark this article for future reference!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with your custom domain? We’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to get your custom domain up and running smoothly.

Why does my custom domain stop working regularly?

This could be due to DNS propagation delays or conflicts with existing DNS records. Make sure to update your DNS records correctly and allow time for propagation (usually up to 48 hours). If the issue persists, contact your domain registrar or hosting provider for assistance.

How can I troubleshoot the issue with my custom domain?

Try checking your DNS records using online tools like dig or nslookup. Verify that your custom domain is correctly pointing to our servers. If you’re still stuck, provide our support team with a screenshot of your DNS records and we’ll be happy to help you out.

What are the common DNS records required for a custom domain?

You’ll need to configure A records, CNAME records, and MX records correctly. Typically, you’ll need to point your domain to our server’s IP address (A record), set up a CNAME record to verify domain ownership, and configure MX records for email services. Don’t worry, our support team can guide you through this process.

How long does it take to set up a custom domain?

Setting up a custom domain usually takes around 15-30 minutes, depending on your technical expertise and the complexity of your DNS setup. If you’re not comfortable with DNS management, we can assist you with the process or recommend a trusted domain registrar or hosting provider.

What if I’m still experiencing issues with my custom domain after troubleshooting?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help! Reach out to our support team with detailed information about the issue, and we’ll work with you to resolve it. We may request additional information or collaborate with your domain registrar or hosting provider to get your custom domain up and running smoothly.

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